Great Mongeham Parish Council was formed in 1996, there are seven seats on the Council, and the members meet 10 times a year usually on the 1st Thursday of the Month at Great Mongeham Parish Hall. (Not January or August).
The Parish Council employs a Clerk, Mrs Joanna Jones, for 6 hours a week. The Council official offices are situated at the Clerk’s home address:
Clerk to the Great Mongeham Parish Council
Thornton House
Thornton Lane,
Eastry, Sandwich,
Kent, CT13 0EU.
Tel: 01304 746036
The office opening hours are
9am to 5pm Mon
9am to 5pm Tue
Closed Wednesdays
9am to 5pm Thu
9am to 5pm Fri
All Council correspondence should be sent to the above address. Anyone wishing to visit the office should ring for an appointment.
Register of Interests.
These may be found on this link to The Dover District Council page where Great Mongeham information is published.
The Clerk is also the Responsible Finance Office (RFO) for the council and is responsible for the preparation of the council accounts.
GMPC has a role in expressing our views regarding planning applications in Great Mongeham, however Dover District Council (DDC) are the Planning Authority and the final decision is made by them.
GMPC has no authority regarding the control of parking in Great Mongeham. This is the responsibility of DDC… or the police. However we can advise the relevant authorities and request that they take action where applicable.
Your Council has no authority regarding speeding, but we do operate SpeedWatch sessions that you may have seen around the village, in order to send data to the Police. The final decision whether to act upon the data is up to them. Local residents are desperately needed take part in the Speedwatch programme to monitor speeding in the village, however, previously, there has been much feedback on speeding but little willingness to get involved in fighting speeding. If you feel you would like to take part in a Speedwatch programme, please contact GMPC.
Village Hall.
Unlike many other villages, the Village Hall is not the responsibility of GMPC and is run by a separate village committee. However, GMPC do help fund some facilities, and also provide some grant funding to help maintain the facilities at the Village Hall such as the toilet improvements.
Village Green.
The maintenance ( grass cutting etc) of the village green is the responsibility of GMPC, although the Parish Council has no responsibility for the Village Hall.
Freedom of Information Requests.
All requests for information should be in writing and addressed to the Parish Council Clerk at the above address. Your full name and address must be included in the request.
Data Protection Request.
All requests for information should be in writing and addressed to the Parish Council Clerk at the above address. Your full name and address must be included in the request.
Any complaint should be in writing and sent to the Parish Council Clerk at the above address. Complaints about the Clerk should be in writing and sent to the Chairman of the Parish Council. Your full name and address must be included in the complaint.
Press and Media Policy
Responses to the press relating to matters discussed by the Parish Council shall be dealt with in the first instance by the Parish Clerk. The Parish Council Chairman, and in their absence the vice-chairman, are also authorised to give the views of the Council to the press on any non-confidential subject discussed by Council. Whenever possible any information given to the press shall be given in writing so as not to leave interpretation open to misunderstanding and misreporting. At no time shall the personal views of either members or officers of the Council be given to the press in a way which could be interpreted as a view of the Council as a whole.
The Council has no committees