
South East Water & Southern Water – Make Every Drop Count

Sent on behalf of Laura Taylor, Environmental Engagement and Behaviour Change Manager

Hello all,


We are working with South East Water and Southern Water again this year on a water saving campaign targeting lower income householders with postcards encouraging residents to sign up for water saving audits or devices and a wider social media campaign to encourage and model water saving actions in homes and gardens. The social media campaign includes a competition to nominate Kent schools to win a water butt and was launched on our webpage and Kent Green Action social media channels (Facebook ​or Twitter) this week.


Please share with your networks and encourage your audiences to nominate their schools for the chance to win a water butt.  



Content for sharing

Our water saving campaign #MakeEveryDropCount provides water saving tips to help people save water, energy and money, whilst protecting local rivers and wildlife.

The recent heatwave caused demand for water to soar and climate change will bring increasingly drier winters and hotter summers to the UK.

Even simple actions can add up to huge water savings across the county; turning taps off while you lather up or brush your teeth, taking a slightly shorter shower, collecting rainwater to water plants. If everyone in Kent saved just 2 litres of water each day, there would be one billion more litres of water available in our rivers and groundwater for wildlife every year!

To learn more and to nominate a Kent school into a prize draw for a chance to win them a water butt, visit: