
Urgent Road Closure – Willow Woods Road, Little Mongeham – 11th March 2024 (Dover)

Urgent Road Closure – Willow Woods Road, Little Mongeham – 11th March 2024 (Dover)

It will be necessary to close Willow Woods Road, Little Mongeham from 11th March 2024 for up to 1 day.

The road will be closed at the junctions of Stoneheap Road and Stoneheap Farm.

The alternative routes are:

Westbound – Stoneheap Rd, Downs Road and Strakers Hill

Eastbound – Northbourne Lane, School Lane, Deal Road and Willow Woods Road.

It is planned that the road will be closed between 9:30 hrs and 15:00 hrs each day.

This is to enable carriageway patching to be carried out by Kent County Council.

Enclosed is a copy of the Traffic Notice in confirmation of this.

This bulletin contains public information and can be freely forwarded to any other road users who may be affected.  Every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, but no liability can be accepted for any changes or errors.

For details of roadworks, please see One.Network

KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste: keeping you up to date with what’s happening on our roads – for more information visit or follow us on Twitter


Street Works East Team

03000 418181 (9am – 5pm)
03000 419191 (5pm – 9am)

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